Please be sure to read all information below. Written notice is required for cancellations and/or holds, per your membership agreement (CLICK HERE TO VIEW - this document is included in your Wodify documents/contracts as well). Reach out to Coach Abby at abby@crossfit8035.com or (317) 319-5783 with any questions,
If you decide to reactive your membership in the future (and we hope you do) membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will be applicable as membership rates are subject to change.
If you would like to put your membership on hold instead of cancelling, you can submit a “HOLD REQUEST”. If you are sure you’d like to cancel, just complete and submit the form below. This will serve as your 2 week written cancellation notice as required by your membership agreement. Your membership will be cancelled 2 weeks from the submission of the form below. Note that if you have a scheduled renewal payment within this 2 week period, the payment will be processed as scheduled. All payments are non-refundable.
Cancellation of membership prior to the expiration of any specified commitment period requires an early termination fee equal to 30% of the outstanding commitment total (not to exceed $299.00).
You have the option to put your automatically recurring membership on hold for any reason,
Membership hold requests must be submitted no less than 7 business days before your upcoming invoice. All membership payments are non-refundable.
Membership hold requests are limited to 12 weeks per calendar year, in 1 week increments (minimum of 4 weeks total). Upon expiration of the hold period that you select below, your account will automatically reactivate and regular membership payments will resume. Your original agreement will be extended by the amount of time of the membership hold. If you choose to cancel your membership during the hold period, the standard 2 week cancellation notice requirement stated in your membership agreement is applicable. If you choose to reactivate your membership after it is cancelled, membership rates in effect at the time of reactivation will be applicable (membership rates are subject to change).
There is a $5 per week fee for Membership Holds after the initial 4 week period.